Monday, October 20, 2008

school logo

well its suppose to be blue with red letters but I tried uploading it a few times and it is refusing so yea....... anyways here is my paragraph........
Well I started off wanting to make a logo with a shark so I looked up schools with shark logos and I found Saint Sebastian’s Catholic School logo. I felt the logo was alright but could use the shark in a more ferocious better way then just a picture of it. So I started off drawing a few ideas and then felt that to make it more exciting I’d have it focus on the head and it attacking its rivals. Once I made that decision I played with how I could signify the shark head as Saint Sebastian’s Catholic school. I started off with thinking that I would write the whole name out beside it to make it look kind of like a badge but the writing was too big and took away from the shark and if shrunk the letters would all be small as well as the shark and be a little confusing. I then figured I would put it inside the shark’s mouth. The only problem was the words would be way to small to fit it all inside the mouth. That’s when I decided to abbreviate it to St. S. I could just imagine the crowd chanting S. T. S. anyways instead of Saint Sebastian, because that’s quite the mouth full.

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