Sunday, November 30, 2008

final post

This week I mainly worked on putting the details onto the picture. I am not finished with it yet but I only mainly have the clouds, mountain, water, and land to do. I spent many hours and fried eyeballs staring at the screen placing the lines for scales and lines for trees. It is surprising how many little marks it takes to go along a neck or back and how time consuming it can get. It is also surprising how much difference they add to the picture and make it pop. I am real happy on how it is turning out and can’t wait till I’m finished. I figured I could use some of the effects of photoshop to help me out on the water, mountain, and land to make them go by more quickly to get the look I want. I might also play with it some to see if I can add to the trees a bit. I also need to add some basic shading below the trees, in the trees some, and a bit more on the dinosaurs if I have time. I also figured out how to capture my screen so I went through the process of documenting the different steps for my painting tutorial. I have the drawing part, the basic background, then the basic dinosaurs/foreground, and then some of the detailing.

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